Being Dealt the Cancer Card Created a New Community

One of the key benefits of Cancer Card is that it will support cancer patients, their families, friends, professionals and employers, by providing an online community hub that will host extensive information to help navigate the world of cancer.

In our lifetime, one in two of us will hear those three little words ‘You have cancer’.   It’s a life changing, devastating moment in time, no matter if you are a wealthy CEO or barely started school. 

Imagine then seeing a yellow card in a display box at your place of work or being given one via a virtual colleague. It has a link to the Cancer Card website where you can quickly and easily find the support and information you need that is relevant to you, at a time that is good for you.  

This is the ultimate vision for Cancer Card - to assist the NHS by supporting anyone who is affected by cancer, enabling them to directly access relevant information, services, support and products.  Cancer Card will be an online community hub providing support and information for cancer patients, professionals, families, friends and employers as they navigate the world of cancer. It will also act as a directory with key contacts for all UK cancer charities & support services.

The Cancer Card concept was born, when I was diagnosed with incurable secondary breast cancer in October 2017. I thought my life was over, I didn’t know where to turn, who to speak to or where to find information that I so desperately needed. Through extensive research and connections, I was able to gather a wealth of helpful information. However, I recognise this is not possible for everyone to do. At a time when cancer patients and their families need the most support, the ability to navigate within the wider cancer community to find shared experiences and information, was frustrating and not easily accessible, so I decided to create a legacy service to help others. 

Cancer Card will bring cancer charities across the UK together in their online hub, where anyone affected by cancer can find community based personalised information and services. 

Many people can struggle with the cancer diagnosis and not least those supporting you. Cancer Card will guide you to easily accessing key resources that will help you through the journey to enable you to support the cancer patient. 

My main goal is to help others affected by cancer by making their journey easier than my own.  As a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend and former employee I understand that help needs to reach more than just the patient. This is reflected in Cancer Card’s vision to support everyone affected by cancer.

One of the key benefits of Cancer Card is that it will support cancer patients, their families, friends, professionals and employers, by providing an online community hub that will host extensive information to help navigate the world of cancer. This will include contacts for cancer charities and support services across the UK, invaluable information including signposting to financial help, disability support, access to complimentary services and treats and my own personal guide and tips on my cancer journey. 

Over four years on from my diagnosis, I’m doing well.  My cancer remains stable thanks to my treatment and care at the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh.  Although I don't know how much time I have left, I am determined to see the new Cancer Card website - launch in August this year and to change the way cancer patients and their supporters access much needed information and support in the future.

Jen Hardy founded Cancer Card in 2020, which gained charitable status with the Scottish Charity Regulator in August 2021 (SC051187)


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