The latest from Perceptive Communicators

Guest Blogs Caroline Donaldson Guest Blogs Caroline Donaldson

Leadership challenging but not impossible with right approach

I recently attended a business conference and heard a variety of business owners and leaders saying how challenging it is at the moment. What is interesting is it was not always about the economy or their sector being slow or there being no growth, but more about securing funding for the growth or getting enough of the right talent to make their plans happen.

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Guest Blogs Cara Gillespie Guest Blogs Cara Gillespie

The Scottish Land Fund is Helping Community Businesses to Thrive

On the Knoydart peninsula, one of the most isolated parts of Scotland, The Old Forge pub has recently reopened after refurbishment.The pub serves not just the small population that lives here, but visitors who make the seven mile crossing by boat from Mallaig or who walk for two days over hills and moorland to this remote and beautiful spot.

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Guest Blogs Mairi Mickel Guest Blogs Mairi Mickel

Family Business & Trust

Family businesses inhabit every street of our towns and cities and are prevalent in rural communities, especially in the Highlands & Islands. Their contribution, financially, socially and spiritually, and the stability those businesses create cannot be underestimated. In today’s turbulent times, they are a hidden lever as a force for good in so many ways.

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Aurora Tallon Aurora Tallon

Importance of diversity in construction

Many believe that our current society allows women to access all jobs and positions, and that it is inconceivable to pay a man more than a woman to do the same job. The reality is far from that; while there is an increasing number of successful women in the construction and property industries, the percentage of women in construction still only sits at 15.4%; the gender pay gap is 23%, and only 2.7% of apprentices are female, so the industry has far to go to achieve gender parity.

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Nicola Barclay Nicola Barclay

Reflections on going it alone

Have you ever thought about starting your own business? Maybe on a Sunday evening when the fear of work on Monday starts to seep into your bones, or after a particularly difficult week and you're offloading with friends down the pub?

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Perceptive Blogs Stuart Young Perceptive Blogs Stuart Young


Industry awards, no matter your sector, can be a bit like marmite – you either love them or hate them. As specialist communicators in life sciences, built environment and technology, we are firmly in the love camp….

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Guest Blogs Ciara Johnstone Guest Blogs Ciara Johnstone

Unleashing the potential of the construction industry

According to the Construction Skills Network, the UK needs an additional 225,000 workers to meet construction demand by 2027. Finding enough people with the right skills has been plaguing businesses large and small and ultimately holding back the industry for years. But there remains immense untapped potential in women.

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Guest Blogs Andy Hadden Guest Blogs Andy Hadden

The path to building a thriving business

Proving your business is sustainable financially was historically always the key point when dealing with investors and trying to get your business off the ground. Of course, this still remains the most fundamental pillar of any investor's decision. But nowadays, many investors want to know that their money is going into a project that they can be proud of, and is supporting a well being economy that prioritises people and planet.

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Perceptive Blogs Julie Moulsdale Perceptive Blogs Julie Moulsdale

Cross Party Groups Opportunity

As a female founder, it was a welcome opportunity to be a panellist at an event at the Scottish Parliament encouraging the diversity of contributions at Holyrood. Organised by Women's Enterprise Scotland and the Institute of Directors is event is part of a wider mission to ensure all voices are heard at the Scottish Parliament, including at Cross Party Groups (CPGs).

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Guest Blogs David Bunton Guest Blogs David Bunton

Why Scotland has a golden future in precision medicine 

As Chair of the Precision Medicine Scotland Innovation Centre I clearly have a vested interest, but precision medicine offers a unique opportunity to save lives, improve our economy and reduce our environmental impact. Precision medicine is the opposite of a one-size-fits-all approach to treatment, instead tailoring healthcare to the individual. This powers better treatment and diagnosis, including earlier interventions, more effective medicine development and aims to prescribe the right drug, first time.

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Guest Blogs Nicola Barclay Guest Blogs Nicola Barclay

Positive discrimination is the only way address the gender pay gap

Just a couple of months ago on International Women’s Day, my Twitter feed was full of companies publicly posting support, encouragement and thanks to their female staff. I also follow the Gender Pay Gap Bot (which automatically retweets all IWD tweets along with the actual gender pay gap for that company) and the hypocrisy was clear for all to see. When you consider that the first IWD was in 1911, it’s exhausting that we are still seeing the stark disparity that remains. Over 100 years of shining a light, but clearly, there is still more to do.

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