The latest from Perceptive Communicators

Guest Blogs Bill Magee Guest Blogs Bill Magee

Let's get real!

A timely conversation with my Washington DC-based pal ex-FBI and Microsoft global cyber expert and renowned speaker Edward P. Gibson prompted me to make a direct link between the highly unpredictable so-called hyperconnectivity promises generated by artificial intelligence generated systems and seasonal affective disorder.

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Guest Blogs Caroline Donaldson Guest Blogs Caroline Donaldson

Challenges of changing work patterns

Many of us are now working on a hybrid basis, partly from home and partly in the office. I am aware of a variety of hybrid working approaches. Regardless of the working model adopted, I am hearing from both my clients that I am coaching and the coaches that I am supervising that the leaders of organisations are struggling. The psychological stamina and emotional resilience needed now is a tall order after the pandemic.

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Guest Blogs David Bunton Guest Blogs David Bunton

The Business of Precision Medicine

A recent survey by Price Waterhouse about the potential for precision medicine shows that global leaders in the pharmaceuticals industry are aware of its promise; 92% identify precision medicine as an opportunity and 84 percent have it on their corporate agenda.

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Guest Blogs Arjun Panesar Guest Blogs Arjun Panesar

Healthcare access for all via technology

YouTube, Zoom and Instagram have boosted the popularity of virtual exercise classes and the Couch to 5k mobile app has hit five million downloads since the pandemic started with no signs of slowing down. More people are achieving improvements to their physical and mental health through technology

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Guest Blogs Nicola Cooper Guest Blogs Nicola Cooper

Function Without Friction

Some asks are big, unrealistic - a moonshot. Some are achievable with a fair wind behind them. My ask for Social Care is that we are unbridled of obstruction, allowed the conditions in which to flourish, in short, that we can function without friction.

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