The latest from Perceptive Communicators
Fostering the future of life sciences in Glasgow
There is an unmet need for better precision medicine globally. Patients won’t always respond to mass prescribed treatments, resulting in unnecessary side-effects and wasted prescriptions, but precision medicine will help optimise patient treatment pathways - and Glasgow can be home to life-changing innovations.
Empowering Women in Science: A Call to Action on World Science Day
This week celebrates World Science Day on 10 November. Working with many science clients, this is a sector close to our hearts. This date gives a chance to celebrate the incredible advancements in science, including Scotland’s achievements and ambitions in precision medicine.
Moving from ideas to impact - how we can unlock innovation from Scottish SMEs
With just two weeks to go until Scotland’s annual event for innovation in business, the CAN DO Innovation Summit, I’ve been reflecting on how to best support start-ups and small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to implement innovation to boost productivity for economic sustainability and social value.
Perceptive Communicators appoints specialist team for further growth in science and public affairs
Perceptive Communicators has made two specialist appointments, with Sophie Newington joining as Communications Consultant and Jack Hope appointed to a newly created Public Affairs and Public Relations Manager role.
Scaling up to commercialise innovation in Scotland’s Bioeconomy
Today and tomorrow, on 15th and 16th March, biotechnologists will gather in Glasgow for this year’s Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC) Conference. Now in its ninth year, the conference is the largest industrial biotechnology event in the UK. The theme of this year’s event, ‘Resilience and the Bioeconomy', will explore what resilience means to companies working within the bioeconomy and how the bioeconomy itself can contribute to resilience in industry and society in general.
Life Sciences Progress
On Thursday The Scotsman will host its annual Life Sciences conference with the theme of “Growing Global”. As a global leader in the life sciences sector, Scotland has much to offer both start-ups and more established organisations. With its highly skilled workforce, world-class universities and research and development facilities, Scotland is well placed to continue to lead the way in this rapidly growing industry.
Golden opportunity for science sector
COP26 has provided the inspiration to live more sustainable lives and to hopefully succeed, quickly, in halting climate change. However, a report published by environmental think tank E3G found that the heavily polluting G20 countries have so far failed to strengthen their plans since COP26 and that “none of them are on track for a 1.5C pathway". In addition, the Environment Agency in England admitted last week that it is minded to rehome at risk coastal communities “away from danger rather than try to protect them from the inevitable impacts of a rising sea level".
News and blogs
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