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Client News Perceptive Communicators Client News Perceptive Communicators

Scottish tech company supports groundbreaking search for Amelia Earhart’s lost plane, revealing new sonar imagery 

Scottish tech company Clarus Networks Group is playing a key role in uncovering one of the greatest mysteries in aviation history - the disappearance of Amelia Earhart. Supporting South Carolina-based marine robotics experts Deep Sea Vision on an extensive deep-water search mission, Clarus provided high speed satellite internet for the team’s search vessel, allowing them to use sophisticated search equipment in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, where fast connectivity is otherwise impossible.

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Guest Blogs Derek Phillips Guest Blogs Derek Phillips

From Space to Scottish Islands: Why it's time to embrace the satellite internet revolution

You might be surprised to learn that Scotland currently holds the title for both the fastest and slowest average broadband connection speeds in the UK. Lochwinnoch, in Renfrewshire, was found to have the fastest broadband in the UK (a whopping 409Mb average connection), whereas Halkirk, in Caithness, was found to have the slowest (just 2.8Mb). But in 2024, your internet doesn’t have to be a postcode lottery of copper versus fibre, as lightning fast broadband can now be delivered without any wires whatsoever.

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Perceptive Blogs Mike Christoforou Perceptive Blogs Mike Christoforou

Don’t get comfy - the social media landscape is changing

Five billion people will use social media globally in 2024. When it comes to the world of business, used in the right way, social media is a powerful tool that can have a huge impact on your bottom line. Cost-effective and highly measurable, the value of quality social media is plain for all to see. The smartest teams will already be planning for the year ahead…

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Guest Blogs Kirsty Morrison Guest Blogs Kirsty Morrison

People will always need a place to call home

Housing, for most of us, is one of the very few constants in our lives. Our home plays host to some of the happiest moments in our lives, provides us with fundamental security and is the key to improving life opportunities. It is somewhere we should be able to feel safe, warm and part of a community.

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Guest Blogs Kirsty Morrison Guest Blogs Kirsty Morrison

Technology is Transforming Social Care in Scotland

Technology and data are not just altering the way we drive, do our jobs, and go shopping. They are also transforming social care and how we look after our loved ones.

Over the winter we saw another wave of pressure on our health services. This is made all the worse by so-called ‘bed blocking’, where patients who are ready to be discharged do not have the appropriate care in place to leave hospital.

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Guest Blogs Guy Marsden Guest Blogs Guy Marsden

Setting the Blueprint for Green Workplaces of the Future

Scotland is rapidly approaching its net zero deadline of 2045. When these sorts of targets are set by the government they can seem so far away in the future. To organisations and businesses who are just trying to survive, they can seem irrelevant to the here and now. But in terms of investment, infrastructure, and property, 2045 is just around the corner and must be at the forefront of organisational thinking.

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Guest Blogs Mark Hanson Guest Blogs Mark Hanson

Real opportunities for businesses across the 5G spectrum

On a recent car journey, I heard a news item about farmers choosing not to sow seeds as they can’t guarantee workers will be available to harvest crops. You reap what you sow and the consequences of this possible inaction in Scotland, when over 70% of its land area is under agricultural management, is a concern.

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Guest Blogs Caroline Donaldson Guest Blogs Caroline Donaldson

Challenges of changing work patterns

Many of us are now working on a hybrid basis, partly from home and partly in the office. I am aware of a variety of hybrid working approaches. Regardless of the working model adopted, I am hearing from both my clients that I am coaching and the coaches that I am supervising that the leaders of organisations are struggling. The psychological stamina and emotional resilience needed now is a tall order after the pandemic.

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Guest Blogs David Bunton Guest Blogs David Bunton

The Business of Precision Medicine

A recent survey by Price Waterhouse about the potential for precision medicine shows that global leaders in the pharmaceuticals industry are aware of its promise; 92% identify precision medicine as an opportunity and 84 percent have it on their corporate agenda.

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Guest Blogs Arjun Panesar Guest Blogs Arjun Panesar

Healthcare access for all via technology

YouTube, Zoom and Instagram have boosted the popularity of virtual exercise classes and the Couch to 5k mobile app has hit five million downloads since the pandemic started with no signs of slowing down. More people are achieving improvements to their physical and mental health through technology

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Guest Blogs Nicola Cooper Guest Blogs Nicola Cooper

Function Without Friction

Some asks are big, unrealistic - a moonshot. Some are achievable with a fair wind behind them. My ask for Social Care is that we are unbridled of obstruction, allowed the conditions in which to flourish, in short, that we can function without friction.

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