The latest from Perceptive Communicators

Guest Blogs Kirsty Morrison Guest Blogs Kirsty Morrison

People will always need a place to call home

Housing, for most of us, is one of the very few constants in our lives. Our home plays host to some of the happiest moments in our lives, provides us with fundamental security and is the key to improving life opportunities. It is somewhere we should be able to feel safe, warm and part of a community.

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Guest Blogs Kirsty Morrison Guest Blogs Kirsty Morrison

Technology is Transforming Social Care in Scotland

Technology and data are not just altering the way we drive, do our jobs, and go shopping. They are also transforming social care and how we look after our loved ones.

Over the winter we saw another wave of pressure on our health services. This is made all the worse by so-called ‘bed blocking’, where patients who are ready to be discharged do not have the appropriate care in place to leave hospital.

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Guest Blogs Andrew Kilpatrick Guest Blogs Andrew Kilpatrick

Housing Improvements Rely on Partnership

As we embrace post-pandemic life, social landlords as well as focussing on building new homes are also putting repairs and maintenance of existing stock at the top of their priority list. This drive to make significant improvements to tenants’ homes relies on key partnerships with contractors.

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